An example of online fraud, india’s largest female domain investor, who actually pays for this domain name, has been subjected to major identity theft, impersonation fraud by indian intelligence and security agency employees, allegedly freelancing for google, tata , since 2010 which highlights why cash is king in India. NTRO, CBI employees are putting the domain investor under surveillance and falsely claiming that the goan sex workers supplied by google, tata to them for sex, their mediocre relatives and friends, lazy frauds, are doing the work online, to get all these sex workers and frauds lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with monthly salary, at the expense of the domain investor who is getting nothing

For example though the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc does not physically own any SBI credit card and has never paid any sbi credit card bill in her life, the powerful fraud NTRO, CBI, security agency employees having SEX with goan R&AW employee sunaina are falsely claiming that sunaina, the SEX worker supplied to them by google, tata owns the SBI credit card of a google competitor, so that the google, tata sponsored SEX worker gets a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the real domain investor, Bank and financial records will also prove that sunaina, the google, tata sponsored goan SEX worker who is getting a monthly R&AW salary does not pay a single paisa towards the SBI credit card bill, which she falsely claims to own with the help of her lovers, sex maniac ntro employees

Similarly, allegedly CBI/R&AW employees goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar and others are also falsely claiming to own the ICICI bank credit card of the google competitor, domain investor,though do not physically own the ICICI credit card and have never paid the icici credit card bill in their life, to again get a monthly R&AW/CBI salary at the expense of the domain investor who is again getting nothing, despite spending a lot of time and money to pay the bills regularly.This clearly indicates the risk of using credit cards for making online payment in India because NTRO,CBI, indian government employees are shameless frauds who will falsely claim that google, tata supplied sex workers and other frauds own the credit card of a private citizen, google competitor