Financial fraudsters falsely accuse their victims of having black money

It is now clear that BRIBED by google, tata, top NTRO, cbi, raw employees are involved in a massive financial fraud since 2010, falsely claim that their lazy greedy goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud relatives, friends who have not invested any money online, own the domain names of a harmless private citizen, google competitor, to pay these frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor,
The real domain investor has been put under surveillance since 2010, so that she does not expose the great financial fraud and get help of any kind. When their lazy fraud relatives and friends are least interested in purchasing domain names paying the market price and renewal expenses, on what basis did ntro, raw, cbi employees dupe people that these frauds owned the domain names of a private citizen.
To cover up their own financial fraud, the ntro, cbi,raw employees are falsely accusing the real domain investor of having black money, when she has very less cash, as all her payments are through bank transfer. Like all frauds, the indian government employees involved in financial fraud, since 2010, do not have the courage and honesty to defend their financial fraud in an open debate, yet continue to waste indian tax payer money to dupe companies, countries and people worldwide.

Most government employees get bribes in cash and kind

In India government jobs are in great demand because in addition to monthly salary, pension, they also can demand and get a lot of additional money as bribes without a major risk of being punished. Unlike China, where the communist party has become strict in taking action against government employees who are making money using illegal methods, the indian government is usually blind to the rampant corruption of government employees who exploit harmless indian citizens at every opportunity demanding and getting bribes.
As the vigilance department may check the bank details of the government employees, they are usually taking the bribe in the form of cash or kind as it does not leave any money trail, which can be detected at a later date
The cash extorted is then used to lead a very lavish lifestyle and converted into gold and similar assets which cannot be easily traced.

NTRO, cbi, tata take no action against call girls, escorts who are receiving cash payment

Harmless indian paypal account holders making very less money, all in their bank account are mercilessly stalked, defamed and harassed by powerful fraud ntro employees making fake black money allegations without any proof, wasting indian tax payer money to find non existent proof since 2010. However there are a large number of escort, call girl websites online, and they are usually receiving payment in cash yet no one is monitoring their activities.
The fees of these call, escort girls is fairly high, approximately Rs 10000 or more daily, all received in cash. However in a clear example of double standards, hypocrisy of ntro, cbi, google, tata employees, no action is taken against the call girls receiving cash payment and also their rich customers who are paying them well in cash.

Bank account and cash

In a major financial fraud since 2010, google, tata, NTRO are falsely claiming that as many as 10 lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced R&AW/CBI employees own the bank account of a google competitor to waste indian tax payer money, paying them a monthly salary, though these indian intelligence employees are not connected to the google competitor in any way at all.

It is an indication of the extremely poor systems in indian intelligence agencies, that their lazy fraud employees can falsely claim to own the bank account, credit cards of a private citizen, and are not questioned and their claims are not verified, for more than 7 years since 2010 without questioned for the financial fraud on a private citizen, no one is checking their bank details.

In a country like india, where corruption, nepotism levels are very high, and the indian government refuses to investigate the endless frauds of intelligence agencies, people have relatively less faith in the cashless system where records are manipulated by corrupt officials, and prefer to deal in cash.

Google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar uses extorted cash to purchase a new car

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Google is ruthless in destroying competition in india, with the help of corrupt local intelligence and security agency officials. To deny the gooogle competitor, who had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, the income and opportunities she deserved, google, tata are pampering and promoting the lazy greedy goan gsb fraud 2012 diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who committed corporate espionage on the google competitor as having the resume, investment, paypal account of the google competitor to give the diploma holder great powers, a monthly R&AW salary
According to domain investors the fraud ntro employees led by the brahmin fraud puneet are falsely claiming that the 2012 diploma holder was their btech 1993 ee classmate because they are happy with goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar’s sex services as it can be easily proved that the goan gsb fraud diploma holder R&AW employee siddhi mandrekar was not born in 1989 to give 1989 jee and get a 1993 btech degree.
However in 2017, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar enjoys great powers in goa, with the help of the powerful fraud goan gsb mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak, her relatives, friends, and all the correspondence of the google competitor is diverted to the goan gsb fraud R&AW employee siddhi mandrekar who is operating a very lucrative extortion racket in panaji, goa and elsewhere
The goan gsb fraud R&AW employee siddhi mandrekar is also extorting cash from the google competitor when she is shopping, as the shopkeepers are encouraged to charge highly inflated rates. The cash extorted was then allegedly used by siddhi to purchase a new car in goa.

Google competitor put under surveillance so that NTRO/security agency employees can extort cash

In one of greatest SEX, bribery, impersonation, financial frauds masterminded by google, tata, a google competitor has been put under surveillance making completely fake allegations of national security, black money without any proof since 2010, so that the NTRO/security agency employees monitoring her can extort cash from her at every opportunity.
The shameless google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees extortionists riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar have defamed and committed corporate espionage on the google competitor , and are getting a monthly indian government salary without doing any work online, without investing any money online , at the expense of the google competitor who is doing all the work and investing all the money online.
However the google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees extortionists riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar are extremely greedy and do not lose any opportunity to extort cash from the google competitor who they have already cheated and exploited, They are closely monitoring the google competitor and demanding bribes from almost every retailer she will purchase anything from in panaji, and elsewhere as cash bribes.
Most of retailers do not want the cash extorted by the google, tata sponsored R&AW/CBI employees riddhi siddhi to affect their profit margin, so the google competitor is usually charged a higher market price and forced to pay the bribe demanded by the goan gsb fraud mafia of panaji, goa . The cash extorted by google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees extortionists riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar is then used to purchase a new car, for enjoying in pubs and hotels
So the broke google competitor has to be very careful while shopping only purchasing items where the mrp is clearly specified to avoid losing money to the google, tata protected goan gsb extortionists .

Cash transactions will continue in India

The domain investor is confident that the NTRO, CBI employees will never be able to justify their financial, online, domain fraud, record manipulation in an open debate, yet they cannot be identified or held accountable by indian citizens due to the outdated systems in intelligence agencies.

As long as top NTRO, CBI, intelligence and security agency employees are openly trading sex for power and money, involved in identity theft frauds, manipulating government, financial records for personal gain or hatred, to enjoy lifetime free sex, get jobs for their mediocre lazy greedy fraud relatives, most people in India will prefer cash transactions for a long time.

Before asking indian citizens to use less cash, the government should justify in an open debate why the indian government, R&AW, CBI, NTRO are falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, frauds who do not pay the bills, own the credit card of a private citizen to pay the sex workers, frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the private citizen who actually owns the credit card and is paying the bills

High level financial fraud, forces indian citizens to deal in cash

The credit card, bank account, mutual fund fraud masterminded by google, tata since 2010, indicates the reason why most people in india prefer to deal in cash as the government employees are extremely corrupt and it is very difficult for citizens who are cheated to get any kind of justice. When a cash transaction is made, the person receiving the cash, will at least acknowledge the person who is paying the cash. however for online payments, the extremely corrupt fraud ntro , cbi employees will falsely claim that their relatives and friends were making the online payment, to get them great privileges, when actually the associates of these fraud ntro, cbi employees are not making any payment, only greedily taking credit

So though the indian government is claiming that it wishes to encourage cashless transactions, in reality those who make online, cashless payment are cheated, tortured and exploited in the worst possible manner, in the greatest example of indian HYPOCRISY, CORRUPTION AND NEPOTISM in India.

Can anyone in the indian government explain in an open debate, why goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees are falsely claiming to own the bank account, credit card, mutual fund investment of a private citizen, to get a monthly indian government salary, breaching the fundamental right to equality and justice in the preamble to the indian constitution.

google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees extortionists riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar extorting cash from google competitor regularly

In one of greatest SEX, bribery, impersonation frauds masterminded by google, tata , the section 420 fraud NTRO employees puneet, vijay and others are falsely claiming that the google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees extortionists housewife riddhi nayak, 2012 diploma holder sex expert siddhi mandrekar and others, lazy greedy frauds were their btech 1993 ee classmate, have the impressive resume, investment, paypal account of their real btech 1993 ee classmate , a harmless single woman bhandari engineer who these powerful fraud ntro employees hate.
The shameless google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees extortionists riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar have defamed and committed corporate espionage on the google competitor , and are getting a monthly indian government salary without doing any work online, without investing any money online , at the expense of the google competitor who is doing all the work and investing all the money online.
However the google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees extortionists riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar are extremely greedy and do not lose any opportunity to extort cash from the google competitor who they have already cheated and exploited, They are closely monitoring the google competitor and demanding bribes from almost every retailer she will purchase anything from in panaji, and elsewhere as cash bribes.
Most of retailers do not want the cash extorted by the google, tata sponsored R&AW/CBI employees riddhi siddhi to affect their profit margin, so the google competitor is usually charged a higher market price and forced to pay the bribe demanded by the goan gsb fraud mafia of panaji, goa . The cash extorted by google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees extortionists riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar is then used to purchase a new car, for enjoying in pubs and hotels

Google gets R&AW/CBI jobs for goan frauds so that they extort cash from google competitor

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Though the google, tata sponsored goan R&AW/CBI employees sex workers sunaina, siddhi mandrekar , riddhi nayak, naina are not doing any work online, are not investing any money online, and do not make any money online, google, tata have got these goan frauds lucrative r&AW/cbi jobs with fake resumes, fake investment and fake online work, so that their powerful relatives and friends abuse their powers, and extort cash from the google competitor at every opportunity.
Google’s preferred method of destroying competition is by causing the most financial losses possible to the google competitor, hacking the laptop, smartphone and almost every electronic device.
The google competitor is already making very less money, her savings have been stolen without a court order or legally valid reason, yet google wants the domain investor to become completely broke, so the local officials are encouraged to abuse their powers and stalk the google competitor at every opportunity possible, to extort money.
For example though potato prices are between Rs 17-20 a kilo, the local officials asked a vegetable vendor to quote a price of Rs 45 a kilo in panaji, goa, as the associates of goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi wanted some cash as bribes from the google competitor