Aryan khan was allegedly carrying Rs 1.33 lakh cash when arrested by the NCB

Tickets for musical event on cruise ship cordelia empress cost Rs 60000 to Rs 3 lakh
The arrest of shahrukh khan’s son aryan khan, allegedly for drug consumption has also given people a glimpse of the life of the very rich
For an event of approximately 1.5 days, Tickets for music event on cruise ship cordelia empress cost Rs 60000 to Rs 3 lakh
There were approximately 1000 people on the cruise ship according to media reports, mainly from north india
The media were also very impressed by the musical event, and have been showing the glamorous event, with young people dancing on the ship
This shows that some people in india have plenty of money to pay Rs 3 lakh for a holiday of 1.5 days and the misplaced priorities of ntro, raw, cbi in hounding the domain investor since 2010, though she sometimes does not have revenues of Rs 3 lakh for 6 months despite working every day
The event was mainly marketed through social media, with tickets available at bookmyshow, shows that social media is very effective in marketing expensive events
Additionally it was reported that aryan khan was carrying Rs 1.33 lakh cash, which he allegedly planned to spend in the 1.5 days. This clearly shows that government agencies are mainly hounding powerless citizens from poorer communities making fake black money allegations , rich and powerful carry lakhs of rupees with them without being questioned.

Greedy government employees want their wives, relatives to FAKE paypal account ownership, pay writers cash, convert CASH BRIBES into white money

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In another form of BRIBERY, CORRUPTION in the indian internet sector, Greedy government employees getting CASH BRIBES want their wives, relatives to FAKE paypal account ownership, pay the writers. service providers cash

The government employees are getting cash bribes from people who they demand bribes from and are looking for options to invest, convert it into white money. so though their relatives, wives like robber riddhi nayak caro are only cooking, cleaning, they will falsely claim that the housewife is doing computer work, while the real writer is criminally defamed as a idle person with no income

Smartphone shop owner deposits Rs 40000 cash in his bank account

One of the biggest lies of security, intelligence agencies, politicians is that indian paypal account holders with no cash income have black money to cheat, exploit and rob them. In reality all the payments received are electronic transfers, only a small amount is withdrawn as cash for daily and business expenses
In contrast most other shop owners receive cash payment and can adjust their profit to accumulate black money.
For example when the domain investor went to a bank to withdraw a small amount from her bank account, she found local business owners depositing cash.
One smartphone shop owner had deposited Rs 40000 cash in his bank account, since a large number of people are purchasing smartphones paying cash
The smartphones are fairly expensive, costing at least Rs 6000
In most shops in goa, people prefer to pay cash, and shop owners also prefer cash paying customers.

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since 2012, some extremely powerful people in panaji have hated the domain investor and are always looking for ways to harass and cheat her. In the latest incident the domain investor went to a shop in panaji and purchased items of Rs 668
She gave Rs 1000 in the form Rs 500 notes to make payment
The lady in the shop counted Rs 332 and pretended to give the entire amount to the domain investor,
Only when the domain investor was putting the money in the purse , she noticed that were only two hundred notes given to her
All the notes in the purse were folded for a long time, while the shopkeeper had not folded the notes in the cash counter
So when the domain investor started checking, the lady at the cash counter gave the Rs 100 which she had probably intentionally held with her
This shows how cunning people are in cheating others, if they are not alert.

Some Dealers and distributors demanding cash payment from shopkeepers

Increasingly people are using electronic payment methods like Gpay, paytm for making payment to the shopkeeper if they want to purchase any item
According to the some shopkeepers in goa, Dealers and distributors demanding cash payment from shopkeepers, they do not accept other methods for supplying their stock
So the shopkeepers are preferring customers who pay cash
This change in payment method has increased after the covid pandemic
Earlier the shopkeepers were getting some credit, now they are not getting any credit.

Help required to recover stolen coins featured in instagram account of panaji raw employee



The domain investor was not aware that the crime rate in panaji was very high, and kept some indian and foreign coins which her mother had given her at her mailing address. After a few years, the domain investor found that the coins were missing, stolen by some unidentified persons who was using duplicate keys to enter the house
It appears that goan bhandari R&AW employee s or her associates were involved in the theft of the coins, because while checking the instagram account photos, there are some photos of the stolen coins, placed on newspapers.
In 2012, itself the R&AW employee and her sister were boasting that goa police would never take any action against them, whatever crime they committed
Any help to retrieve the stolen coins will be greatly appreciated, please contact on

In Delhi dance bars, people shower cash on female dancers without being harassed

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One of the biggest frauds in the indian internet sector, is how ntro, raw, cbi are hysterically making fake black money allegations against the domain investor if she orders any low value item on COD because she cannot access her amazon business account.
There are millions of people in India with far more cash compared to the domain investor, who has withdrawn some money from the bank for daily expenses, yet ntro, raw, cbi do not harass these cash rich people.
For example, a TV channel was showing multiple dance bars in delhi where people were not wearing masks, the patrons were showering cash on the dancers, which is all black money in april 2021. Ntro, raw, cbi do not track the cash showering dance bar patrons, only the domain investor is hounded since 2010

Panaji’s top moneylender falsely claims to own bank accountof single woman till cash is withdrawn

In a major financial fraud, Panaji’s top moneylender mohit chandan falsely claims to own bank account of single woman till cash is withdrawn every month. Since he has all top panaji politicians on his payroll, no one questions his financial fraud which he covers up criminally defaming the single woman.

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For converting their cash black money into white money, greedy goan officials caro, nayak CRIMINALLY DEFAMING goa 1989 jee topper

Though the goa 1989 jee topper is a harmless single woman engineer, who has not harmed anyone at all, top goan officials caro, nayak CRIMINALLY DEFAMING goa 1989 jee topper in the worst manner, so that they can exploit her to convert their black money into white money
The goa security agencies are getting bribes from everyone in goa from rickshaw drivers to others in cash, and keeping the cash is risky. So with the help of indian tech and internet companies, these fraud officials want to exploit the indian paypal account holders like the goa 1989 jee topper,to convert their black money into white.
Though the lazy greedy wife riddhi nayak caro, of crooked caro is only cooking, cleaning for caro, google, tata, indian tech and internet companies are falsely claiming that the fraud riddhi, who does no computer work, is doing the computer work, in a very sophisticated form of bribery of liar greedy government officials

So caro wants the higly skilled indian paypal account holder,to work for cash which he extorts from businesses in goa, so that his lazy greedy wife cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro with no writing and no computer skills, can falsely claim to own the iwriter, paypal, bank account, to continue getting a monthly cbi salary for faking domain, paypal account ownership without any kind of computer work

hence though the liar fraud shameless goan officials caro,nayak, mandrekar are aware that the hardworking goa 1989 jee topper alone is doing all the work, being extremely SHAMELESS GREEDY LIARS they are criminally defaming her in the worst manner with their completely fake allegations, and making fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud relatives who do no computer work at all, do not pay any money for domains at all